We support diversity in culture, gender and sexuality.
At Relationships Australia NSW, we aim to represent, support, and reflect the rich diversity of the communities we serve. We're an organisation where staff and clients can bring their unique, authentic selves to work, and feel secure and supported.
It’s our commitment to provide a welcoming and safe place for all.
Relationships Australia NSW Inclusion Statement
We know that varied perspectives help us provide better services to our clients, employees, and community stakeholders.
That’s why we welcome and support the unique contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with disability, people of all ages, life experiences, cultural backgrounds, ethnicities, language abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive, and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
Our hope is that as individuals, communities, society and as a nation, we value relationships and give them the time, energy, care and respect to allow them to grow and thrive – and to support ourselves and each other to live well together.
We are committed to providing accessible and safe services for all, including people living with disability. This includes exploring ways to ensure our programs and workplace are dynamic and flexible, to meet the needs of as many clients and staff members as possible.
We strive to offer a safe space for people of all genders and sexual orientations, as well as anyone who identifies as from the LGBTIQ+ community. All members of the community can feel welcome when accessing our services.
We’re incredibly proud that almost 30% of our workforce was born overseas, and in an average year, we provide our services in 32 different languages.
We’re passionate about building sustained and meaningful relationships and partnerships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and non Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
In 2022 we won Bronze status in the Pride in Health + Wellbeing Awards, which recognise Australian health organisations making exceptional efforts in improving LGBTIQ+ inclusion.
We’re a proud Silver member of the Australian Network on Disability, promoting a more accessible and inclusive Australia, where people with disability are valued as economic and social contributors.
With the support of ACON’s Welcome Here Project, we’re working hard to ensure all of our centres and premises are visibly welcoming and inclusive of LGBTIQ+ communities.
We’re active members of Diversity Council Australia (DCA) – the independent not-for-profit peak body leading diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan has been endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, which promotes reconciliation by building relationships, respect and trust between the wider community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.